Malaysian Danish Business Council – Investing in Employee Wellness to Boost Employee Engagement

On behalf of the Malaysian Danish Business Council (MDaBC), EUROCHAM Malaysia would like to invite our members to participate in the upcoming webinar on the topic of Investing in Employee Wellness to Boost Employee Engagement will be held on Wednesday, 19 January 2021 at 4 PM (+8 GMT).

The study has shown 15% of employees are engaged and reshaping the employee experience is crucial to engage employees with a focus on employee well-being, employee needs, and wants.

During this webinar session, the speaker will take you through a few major points which are related to understanding employee engagement, the challenges of driving employee engagement, the impact of employee wellbeing on employee engagement and how to boost it, as well as showcasing some customer testimonials and an online demo/live demo.

With key speaker, Andrew Tiscoe, Global Account Director, ACTIMO / Kahoot as he discusses and provides his input on investing in employee wellness to boost employee engagement.

For more information and/or to register for this webinar, please visit –

#MDaBC #invest #employee #wellness #engagement #experience #customer #testimonial #EUMYstrongertogether #eurochammy

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