Education Sector Committee Survey – Talent Shortage

On behalf of our education sector committee, we would like to share with our fellow members to help in participating in a survey to help understand the talent shortage that European companies in Malaysia are facing.

With a better understanding of both the educational level where you face a shortage of talents, as well as tangible knowledge of which soft and hard skills are lacking, we can communicate the specific needs to our collaboration partners and policymakers. Ministry of Higher Education, as well as several universities, and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), have already expressed a great interest in the findings of this survey, and willingness to work with EUROCHAM Malaysia and the European companies to try and bridge the gaps.

The last part of the survey pertains to issues you may face with foreign workers and talents, as most companies are still dependent on recruiting expatriates. These results will be shared with our Human Resource Sector Committee.

Please fill out the survey here -

Help us identify the local education gaps in-depth, as well as issues in recruiting foreign workforce, and let us make EUROCHAM Malaysia a catalyst in the work to ensure that your company can recruit the talents you need today and tomorrow!

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