Thomson Reuters and EUROCHAM Malaysia Responsible Business Exhibition and Multi-Stakeholder Conference

Join us at the Responsible Business Exhibition and Multi-Stakeholder Conference, co-organised by Thomson Reuters Foundation and EUROCHAM Malaysia, as we navigate the future of responsible business practices in the face of global legislation. Discover the tools and services that will empower your business to comply with emerging regulations and stay competitive in the international market.

In an era of evolving global legislation, including significant directives such as the EU's Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD), Reporting Directives (CSRD), and the German Supply Chain Act, businesses must adapt and thrive. Distinguished speakers including;

  • Dr. Eva Langerbeck, Deputy Executive Director of the Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce
  • Ooi Ju-Lien, Partner at Christopher & Lee Ong, will be contributing their insights.

The Responsible Business Exhibition is curated to address these challenges head-on and provide the necessary tools and services for companies to advance their responsible business practices, with a particular focus on ethical recruitment. Be prepared to gain invaluable insights during the event's opening session, where we will dive deep into the implications of these new global regulations for businesses in Malaysia. Our expert speakers will shed light on the legal frameworks underpinning these regulations, empowering you with practical steps to ensure compliance while maintaining a competitive edge in the international market.

As the day progresses, immerse yourself in an engaging conference showcasing a wide array of relevant services and tools. Discover innovative solutions that will propel your business towards responsible practices, fostering sustainability and ethics every step of the way.

Date: Monday, 7 August 2023

Time: 10:30 AM / 2:30 PM

Venue: EQ Kuala Lumpur

Please note that this event is strictly for EUROCHAM Malaysia members only!

Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to shape the future of your business!


#TRF #ThomsonReutersFoundation #Malaysia #business #exhibition #multistakeholder #conference #CSDDD #CSRD #GermanSupplyChainAct #EUROCHAMMalaysia30 #EUMYstrongertogether #eurochammy

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