Ipsos Malaysia - State of Malaysian Healthcare System: Healthcare Service Monitor 2023

On behalf of our fellow member Ipsos Malaysia, we would like to highlight the latest study on the State of Malaysian Healthcare System: Healthcare Service Monitor 2023, and the findings are illuminating!

The findings of the press release are as follows:

- Mental health takes center stage: Recognised as the top health concern, especially among our younger generations. Let's prioritize well-being!

- COVID-19, obesity, and diabetes challenges: We're facing them head-on, but we're not alone. Worldwide concerns include cancer and stress.

- Trust in our healthcare system: Malaysians believe in the quality of care, ranking third globally after Singapore and Switzerland.

- Trust extends to access: High confidence in equitable care for all.

- Challenges persist: Long wait times, staffing shortages, and treatment costs need attention.

In these trying times, let's salute our healthcare heroes and keep striving for a healthier Malaysia.

Learn more in the attached press release: https://www.ipsos.com/en-my/press-release-health-service-monitor-2023

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